The company manages a private alternative fund and is registered in the list of persons performing asset management comparable to management pursuant to § 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on investment companies and investment funds ("ZISIF") maintained by the CNB. The company's activities are not subject to CNB supervision. Asset management of companies is intended only for a private group of addressed investors who are qualified investors in accordance with ZISIF. The company does not offer investments publicly or raise assets from the public. The company does not provide any main investment service, nor any additional investment service of custody and management of investment instruments for the customer in the sense of Act No. 256/2004 Coll., on business on the capital market ("ZPKT"). The data presented here are not used to present any investment instruments or investment services. None of the statements contained here can be perceived as an offer of an investment instrument or other form of investment according to ZPKT or ZISIF.